July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I first read the hunger games series over a decade ago and to this day it’s still one of my favorite book series. Ever since then I’ve been really interested in the concept of books and shows with some sort of death game involved. Some examples of media that I can think of that counts for this are:

    The hunger games (book series)

    Squid game (show)

    Alice in borderland (show)

    The circle (movie)

    Danganronpa (video game)

    All of us villains (book series)

    Three dark crowns (book series)

    I’m looking for book suggestions with the same concept as these. I prefer it when the story has some sort of underlying message or commentary it’s trying to make, but I’m open to any suggestions. Even books that have a similar vibe but aren’t exactly like this if you think it’s interesting. Thank you in advanced!

    by ladybugpenguin


    1. TheInsaneSnake on


      The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell . It’s a short story and it is *really* good .

    2. We loved The Hunger Games and really enjoyed the Scythe series as well. Still based on a dystopian society where we have figured out how to live forever and the Scythes decide who dies when…. And a whole lot of other drama!! Lol

    3. Im not sure if this quite fits the bill, but the 7.5 deaths of Eleanor Hardcastle is about someone trying to prevent a murder… 7 and a half times.

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