July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi. Redditors I have just became a father for the first time and I have never experienced so much love and joy in my life before. Sometimes it is too much and overwhelming. I would like to read a book about life and emotions which would help me carry this new emotions and be a great father to my son in the years to come.

    by poxxka

    1 Comment

    1. I’m not a parent but I recently read “Adult Children of Emotionally Unavailable Parents” and it changed my life. It looks at how parenting has changed in the last few generations and has real life stories of people that had strained relationships with their parents. The author is a therapist that wrote this book after years of hearing the same stories over and over. I learned how to better understand my parents and my in laws and have since been much more understanding that the love they show is just different. It’s very positive and hopeful and I think everyone should read it!

      Congrats to you and your family! Sending all the love your way ❤️

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