September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve never reread a book that I’ve finished before. Lately I’ve been getting into the habit of reading more for the first time in a long time and now there are a handful of books which I’ve recently finished. That makes me start to consider rereading some of the books I’ve enjoyed so I could feel like I’ve retained them better, since I’m usually not going to remember details of a book after I’ve finished it for the first time unless the book was short or the book had parts that really fascinated or impressed me. It just bothers me to have a list of books that I’ve finished and feeling like what I read went in one ear and out the other. So why do you reread books? How often do you reread books and how quickly after you finish a book do you reread it?

    by magritte-fan


    1. There’s always a few years in between, my guess would be at least 5 years. There are so many others to read.

      Oh, and some I reread multiple times. Like Lord of the rings or Hitchhiker’s guide, I have read them at least 5 times.

    2. I reread books all the time. I think the habit developed when I was a kid and had maybe 30 kid’s books and no way to get to a library, so I would read the same books over and over out of boredom.

      I only reread books I really enjoyed the first time, and usually at least a year in between readings. There are a few books I’ve been reading once a year for decades.

      It’s kind of like when a movie you like or find really comforting comes on so you watch it again. You’re not paying super close attention, it’s just kind of comforting.

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