July 2024
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    What books should I get with birthday money?

    So my husband is giving me $200 to splurge in Barnes and Noble for my birthday. He’s already got me the current Crescent City books but wanted to further treat me as there’s not much more I want or need.

    What book recs do you have?

    I am a fan of thriller/suspense, fantasy, think magic, fae, vamps etc (not long epics… im looking at you Wheel of Time 😒), I do enjoy some smut (no prude here), mystery and like a general feel good novel.

    Give me all your recommendations. I’m currently on my 78th book of the year (Masters of Death by Olivie Blake) and prefer either a novel or a series which is very close to being completed or even better, completed.

    I read both YA and Adult if that helps.

    by bigggbadaboom


    1. danytheredditer on

      These Hollow Vows duology by Lexi Ryan

      Crowns of Nyaxia duology by Carissa Broadbent

    2. Paramedic229635 on

      Yahtzee Croshaw is a funny author with great characters.

      Differently Morphus and Existentially Challenged- Governmental agency involved in the regulation of magic and extra dimensional beings.

      Mogworld – Main character is undead. Hijinks insue.

      Will save the galaxy for food and Will destroy the galaxy for cash – An unemployed star pilot tries to get by in a universe where transporters are a thing.

    3. thfemaleofthespecies on

      I get luxury indulgence books that I wouldn’t buy for myself because it’s hard to prioritise money for such treats.

      Awesome husband-ing on his part, BTW

    4. Personally, I found Wheel of Time to be a bit draggy and I will read just about anything.

      If you are into questing novels, of course Lord of the Rings. There is also a series from years ago that I liked since you mentioned YA. Try [The Belgariad](https://www.amazon.com/Belgariad-Vol-Books-1-3-Magicians/dp/0345456327/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3BM74B3XL7OO9&keywords=the+belgariad+david+eddings&qid=1701490505&sprefix=the+belgariad%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-1) by David Eddings. This one combines the first three novels together.

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