For example the protagonist does “chores” and mundane tasks, survival tasks, builds and/or upgrades their “base”. Perhaps detailed descriptions of the character cooking a meal, scavenging, planting seeds, protecting their home, etc.
Ideally the protagonist is isolated and trying to survive, but it can also be a community. They don’t have to build the base from scratch, they can just occupy any space as long as they treat it like their base.
Some books like this that I liked:
* The Wall by Marlen Haushofer
* Alone by Richard Byrd
I believe The Martian is also like this but I haven’t read it yet, I would love to hear about other options as well
by QueenMackeral
Fatu-Hiva by Thor Heyerdahl
An Island to Myself by Tom Neale
Castaway by Lucy Irvine
Island in the Sea of Time and sequels,
Dies the Fire and sequels,
By SM Sterling
The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne
Beware Of Chicken is about a guy that has magical potential and decides to become a farmer instead of the usual path of violently competing for immortal power
You should definitely read The Martian, it’s fantastic. You might also ask for recommendations over on r/litrpg. Base-building is a pretty popular sub genre and it generally includes actual stats and numbers like a video game.
Inheritance by Morgan Cole wasn’t bad, it’s a litrpg about a man who inherits a house that has a portal to a deserted run down habitat on another planet. He has to rebuild it and deal with an infestation of dangerous aliens.