November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For example the protagonist does “chores” and mundane tasks, survival tasks, builds and/or upgrades their “base”. Perhaps detailed descriptions of the character cooking a meal, scavenging, planting seeds, protecting their home, etc.

    Ideally the protagonist is isolated and trying to survive, but it can also be a community. They don’t have to build the base from scratch, they can just occupy any space as long as they treat it like their base.

    Some books like this that I liked:

    * The Wall by Marlen Haushofer
    * Alone by Richard Byrd

    I believe The Martian is also like this but I haven’t read it yet, I would love to hear about other options as well

    by QueenMackeral


    1. ripple_in_stillwater on

      Fatu-Hiva by Thor Heyerdahl

      An Island to Myself by Tom Neale

      Castaway by Lucy Irvine

    2. funningincircless on

      Beware Of Chicken is about a guy that has magical potential and decides to become a farmer instead of the usual path of violently competing for immortal power

    3. You should definitely read The Martian, it’s fantastic. You might also ask for recommendations over on r/litrpg. Base-building is a pretty popular sub genre and it generally includes actual stats and numbers like a video game.

      Inheritance by Morgan Cole wasn’t bad, it’s a litrpg about a man who inherits a house that has a portal to a deserted run down habitat on another planet. He has to rebuild it and deal with an infestation of dangerous aliens.

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