September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all,
    I have a question, an opinion, and a desire to be proven wrong.
    Sometimes I read reviews for books on Goodreads. The reviews I search up are usually for books I’ve already read because I like to know what other readers think of them. the posts I read are so conflicting that i’ve given up on turning to Goodreads for any book advice. Now I recognize people have varying opinions, but not every book needs to be reviewed as if it were meant to be a literary masterpiece. I often see more negative criticisms than positive.
    I’m curious to see if anyone was able to find books they enjoyed through reviews or scrolling on Goodreads. Did the reviews match your own impressions of the book or the writing? How do we feel about Goodreads in general and is it a solid way to find interesting books? Are my standards for enjoyable books so low that I find it hard to agree with reviews?
    Please drop book suggestions you found through this method and whether or not you think it’s worth using. I’m not here to bash anyone who uses the platform so please be kind and provide opinions along with book suggestions. I’m not opposed to being proven wrong about my Goodreads impression, in fact I would love to be, so just be nice and thank you 💜

    by Curlie_Frie1821

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