July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I started a pretty stressful new job last year. I love it, but at the end of the day I’m just exhausted and end up vegging out watching tv or YouTube.

    I want to find a book that I’ll be excited to read at night.

    * It’s got to be something that will grab me and excite me right away.
    * I’m kind of snobby and don’t like YA. I also need very good prose.
    * The main thing I want to feel in a book is wonder and escape. But I don’t want it to be schlocky. Some books that have given me the right feeling are Piranesi, Bone Clocks and Sea of Tranquility.
    * I won’t have the patience for a book that takes a while to get into.
    * Some of my favourite authors are Calvino, David Mitchell and Chabon.
    * I’m looking for speculative fiction.

    Thank you!!!

    by UnderwaterDialect


    1. Ted Chaing and Kelly Link write amazing short stories in the speculative fiction genre. Might be good to try one of their collections to get back in. Very original and well written.

    2. Scarlet_Dreaming on

      The Half Life of Valery K by Natasha Pulley has been my favourite read of this year, Piranesi was last year’s.

      Bone Clocks made me think you might enjoy the Obsidian Heart trilogy, which starts with the Wolves of London.

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