September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently read 11/22/63 by Stephen King. if you haven’t read it, it’s about a guy who is able to time travel to the 1960s and tries to stop the assassination of JFK.

    I loved the book quite a lot. here’s some of the things I liked the most about it:

    – there’s a bit of fantasy but it’s not really essential to the plot. it helps create an unlikely situation and then takes a backseat for most of the story

    – It’s set in a time with less technology, so things that for us are easy to solve present a challenge for the protagonist. I like to learn how people back then solved issues without technology

    – The protagonist is a normal guy. no superpowers, no political power/influence, not super talented. literally just a dude. it makes the story feel more believable to me, and makes me think how could I approach this if it was me

    – The book has a nice rythm of building and releasing tension throughout the story, so it felt very entertaining to read and the beginning didn’t feel like a chore to get to the goood stuff

    – It didn’t feel complicated to read (I’m not a super avid reader so I don’t want super complex stories or literary styles).

    I would like to read a book with a similar style to this, hopefully ticking those same boxes, but this time set in London. Anything between say the industrial revolution and the 1970s would work. do you know any book that might fit the bill here? thank you in advance!

    by Athletic_Bilbae

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