September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Firstly thank you to this sub’s readers, you all have pointed me in all the right directions with my reading. Amazing how a simple thing like a books forum can make this shitty world more bearable. This year I’ve mostly given up social media and gone back to my old self, back to the library, back to learning. It’s lovely.

    But to the point, I’d noticed that in any discussion of Mexican Gothic people often comment that The Hacienda is far more successful in its “Destination: Spooky Ass House” efforts. I adored Mexican Gothic (and the other Moreno Garcia books I’ve read) for its pure shameless pulp stylings, which the author herself acknowledges.

    So of course I had to read The Hacienda asap to see for myself, and wow what a banger! I’m a huge Mexi-phile and Spanish learner so I’ll eat anything like this up. We in the US (and the rest of the world) are generally really missing out on the incredible richness of Mexican history and culture as story fodder.

    I do not see these as competing stories but complementary. Noemi is the Andres of MG. Beatriz is like getting to see a full picture of Noemi’s cousin. Both stories show how colonization infects the generations that follow. Both present remarkably strong women protagonists. Both comment strongly on class distinctions. Both defy the stereotypes the “average American” has been propagandized with regarding Mexico.

    More books like this for the English speaking reader please!!! Silvia y Isabel, los gringos las necesitan!!!


    by Scared_Recording_895

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