July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I’m looking for novel recommendations, please, with protagonists who choose to become ‘voluntarily missing’. People who choose to disappear, and invent a new life for themselves, and even a new themself for themselves. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    by ghost_written


    1. BuffaloEqual500 on

      It isn’t a novel but you could read hacker Kevin Mitnick’s account of his time on the run, Ghost In The Wires.

      Mitnick really did use his skills to create new identities and then, not only go on the run but move to different part’s of the country and live different lives under those assumed identities.

    2. Puzzleheaded_Craft75 on

      The Ones we Keep by Bobbie Jean Huff

      About a woman who finds out that one of her three children has died, but not who. She just leaves without finding out because that way, she can pretend that none of them died.

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