September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello fellow readers!

    I hope you’re all doing well.

    I’m in need of some book recommendations to help me find solace in the midst of a challenging year. To say it’s been tough is an understatement.
    My mental health has taken a toll, and I find myself more vulnerable than ever. Every small thing triggers my trauma, bringing it all back.

    I’m turning to books as a refuge to clear the noise both within and around me. Reading calms my nerves, it’s no less than therapy for me. However, I’m not looking for self-help or motivational books. Instead, I’m seeking something that transports me to another world. Please note that I’m not specifically interested in the Fantasy genre.

    As a longtime fan of Dickens, I hold a special place in my heart for “David Copperfield,” a story that has resonated with me since childhood. I’m open to reading about the hardships and complexities of life, as long as the stories feel real and authentic.

    I’d greatly appreciate any book suggestions that align with these preferences.

    Thank you in advance for your recommendations!🙂

    by Next_Neighborhood_26

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