October 2024
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    I want to read a book with father and son and their story at the centre of their plot

    by aviraj112


    1. How about the classic Russian novel, Fathers and Sons by Turgenev? Read this at college, can’t recall a lot about it except there definitely is a big focus on the relationship between the father and son in the book, and that it’s also quite tragic.

    2. ilfiumeinfiamne on

      * *Between the World and Me*, Ta-Nehisi Coates
      * *Anatomy of a Disappearance*, Hisham Matar
      * *The Return: fathers, sons and the land in between*, Hisham Matar
      * *Romulus, my father*, Raimond Gaita

    3. Peace Like a River, Leif Enger

      Maus, Art Spiegelman

      Go Tell It On the Mountain, James Baldwin

      Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Safran Foer

      The Road, Cormac McCarthy

      Gilead, Home, and Jack, all by Marilynne Robinson

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