July 2024
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    1. Would she branch out? Pauline Gedge does excellent novels on ancient Egypt but you’ll likely have to get them second hand as most are out of print.

      Medieval Russia setting has The Bear and the Nightingale. My mum loved that trilogy.

      Michelle Moran also writes about ancient Egypt.

      Maybe the Witch of Cologne? Medieval Germany.

      Would she be interested in nonfiction? Galileo’s Daughter was a good book detailing his life and that of his daughter, the only one of his children who was blessed with his genius but because Galileo had no money for a dowry she was sent to a nunnery where she became the apothecary.

    2. Towers In The Mist, Elizabeth Goudge – Elizabethan story set in Oxford [classic]

      Jean Plaidy is very similar to Gregory and wrote loads of Tudor novels.

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