September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m writing a book I’m not so far along but I have the first 6 chapters done, started the 7 and the last few paragraphs finished now I’m just working the middle to end. (Not self-promoting just saying what I need the recs for 😅)

    I need books for help and inspiration
    I already have manhwas helping and fantasy books but I need books that are more related to my topics and such

    -I need one with a good found family trope it’s not really found but still it ties in
    – One with a kind but strong main character preferable male
    – A good way to introduce the romance but have it for later on like later books and its not evidently there
    -One where magic is a sacred thing and most don’t have it
    – One where the character is almost always taken away from their actual family cause of a parent
    – one with a prominent daddy issues

    by valkery_simp_Valt

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