September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I loved the creepy vibe and body horror side of Wilder Girls, but was a bit YA for me. For less YA stuff, I loved Our Wives Under The Sea and What Moves The Dead, those kind of vibes too. Any suggestions for creepy, body horror books? Perfect for this month

    by SickOfBoobsAndBras

    1 Comment

    1. I just finished reading Our Wives Under the Sea! I have not read Wilder Girls. You may like:

      * Leech by Hiron Ennes. Post apocalyptic gothic horror.

      * Books by Jeff VanderMeer. Everything is creepy and wrong, but it isn’t always obvious how.

      * Books by Kameron Hurley. The weird, gross, and wrong aspects of the setting are all plainly visible up front so “creepy” doesn’t really apply, but there is body horror aplenty. The Stars Are Legion is my favourite, it is a cosmic horror/body horror space opera.

      * Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin. Definitely for adults as there is a lot of explicit gore, sex and even scenes of rape.

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