September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m completely amazed the amount of people who are going to start Harry potter, wheel of time, game of thrones, or malazan. And they ask what order should I read them in? Should I skip around? It drives me nuts! Enjoy the story the way the author intended even in Discworld were you can start wherever I always say start with the color of magic and the light fantastic and find an interesting subseries from there. Am I crazy?

    by Holytorment


    1. gravitydefiant on

      Crazy? Probably not. Excessively concerned about how other people enjoy books? Definitely. Why on earth would you care what order someone else reads a series in?

    2. silentcomplaints on

      I’ve literally never seen anyone ask in which order should they read a series.

      Are you sure you haven’t gotten books mixed up with say… Star Wars… where there clearly is a superior order which is neither chronological nor by release date?

    3. If you plan to read all the entries, release order is the only way to do it. Each book is written in a world in which the previous entries already exist, and that necessarily influences what is written in the later entries. Accordingly, you should read the series as they were released.

    4. I’ve seen people ask which order they should watch certain film series or watch anime etc but never for books and certainly not for all those big ones you mentioned.

      Didn’t even think there was a point in reading them in any order other than release.

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