September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    this request is based on my obsession with the absurdity in the book **Glitterati** by Oliver K. Langmead

    i looked at the “readers also enjoyed” books on goodreads, but none of them are similar to this book *at all.*

    for example in this book, one totally insane thing is that the main character cannot cry because he had his tear ducts surgically removed because it was the fashionable thing to do. he also starts a fashion trend when his nose starts bleeding after doing loads of cocaine before a party. the main character and his wife have also never seen a child and assume it is a garden gnome. it’s also fashionable to not actually eat but to pretend to eat. characters in the book will randomly pose dramatically under lights in the hopes that they are seen by others looking like they are in despair, etc. nothing in this book is normal AT ALL, everything is insane and over-the-top, but it’s all completely normal to every character in the book. i need more books like this but unfortunately the other books by this author are not like this so i am open to any author that writes the same way.

    thank you for any help!

    by wifeunderthesea

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