September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Some examples:

    Red Sister by Mark Lawrence – Society on this world exists along the equator between two massive ice caps that cover most of the planet. It’s kept unfrozen by an orbital device that melts the ice.

    The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson – Too big to summarize, but I feel like the magic system in universe is robust and unique in a way that fits what I’m looking for.

    Dies The Fire by S. M. Stirling – Set on an Earth where gunpowder and electricity suddenly stopped working in 1998.

    The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemison – people control rocks or something? I don’t remember, nor did I like the book all that much, but I liked the setting.

    The Wheel of Time – in regards to my query, I really like how the world of WoT *feels* old, how you can follow the development and fall of nations through the story (no spoilers please, I’m not done yet)

    by memorizemee

    1 Comment

    1. superlikemedaddy on

      I was about to recommend the fifth season haha. Apart from that, have you read girl, woman, other? It’s so so good. And the new book by Nana Kwame Adjey-Brenyah. And anything by Ursula K Le Guin

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