September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for a fun book series to burn through. I don’t really care much else about it, just something that is entertaining. Bonus points for humor and light reading, but anything is fine.

    by StupdSexyDanCampbell


    1. The Iron Druid Chronicles. Urban fantasy. A 2,000 year old Druid and his dog get into shenanigans in modern day Arizona.

      Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells. Sci-fi. A rogue security robot wrestles with freedom and relationships.

      The Bobiverse by Dennis E Taylor. Sci-fi. A nerdy human consciousness finds itself in the future and serving as the operating system for a probe exploring space.

      The Spellbound Series by Annette Marie. Urban fantasy. A witty and assertive waitress becomes a bartender for a secret group of magic users in the Pacific Northwest.

    2. ResolvePsychological on

      If you’re okay with YA, The good girls guide to murder series is a great trilogy + prequel that is amazing and so fun to read. It isn’t filled with too much humor, but still a very fun read in my opinion

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