September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I need help with a bookclub pick for January!
    I am usually good at finding one on my own but I’m trying to change it up and pick something I normally wouldn’t choose 🙂

    So, I am looking for something that is light, fun, and whimsical (because we all need that in January right?) but not a romance and not super fantastical. I don’t mind some supernatural elements or sci-fi, but definitely not high fantasy, preferably not magic, etc. Also looking for it to be standalone (not a part of a series) and not super long (less than 400 pages).

    I was thinking maybe a modern twist on fairytales or something in that vein? But the ones I’ve come across are too romance-y or too dark for what I’m looking for.

    by bubz8008

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