September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I’m looking for literature that offers some wisdom on complicated love, preferably fiction, but open to non-fiction. Really looking for themes like forbidden or illicit love (age gaps, affairs, etc.), but also interested in obsession, humiliation, and fear in relation to romance. Examples include Chris Kraus’ I Love Dick and Jeannette Winterson’s Written on the Body. I would like a female character I can relate to, although she doesn’t have to be the narrator, and male authors are more than welcome. I’m open to whatever, even if it’s a stretch…I really just want some GOOD books about love. Thank you!!!!

    by witchyyogi


    1. mom_with_an_attitude on

      Their Eyes Were Watching God

      Jane Eyre

      Memoirs of a Geisha

      The Reader by Bernhard Schlink

      Girl with a Pearl Earring

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