September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So bit of backstory: I used to read pretty much anything from fantasy to sci fi to horror and thriller, but the past months I’ve been addicted to reading romance, specifically gay romance but some lesbian book here and there, so it’s more that I want to RE-diversify my reading tastes, want to read fantasy and not be bored out of my mind, and I’m not saying I don’t like romance because I wouldn’t exclusively read it for months if I didn’t love it but I want to ease myself into reading more genres that aren’t only romance, I want to know if me reading MM Romance only is chronic or if I can still enjoy other books as well.

    I have my own theories on why I got into it so much: when I first started reading there weren’t many queer romance stories and especially queer men romance, so I read other things, but now that I have a kindle and can read anything I want I’ve been sorta reading only that, sort of like being hungry and not eating all day then eating one giant meal, but still romance is getting kinda boring and I need a refreshing book that’ll get me out of this slump

    by biscuits_manea

    1 Comment

    1. You might enjoy slipstream. It’s kind of modern magic realism with a fantasy and sci-fi element. I really like China Mieville (City and the City) and Lauren Beukes (Zoo City) as authors.

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