September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    (FORGOT IN TW BUT MENTION OF SUICIDE!!!!!) I read a book around 2017/2018 about two friends who met at a hospital after a suicide attempt, it was a boy and a girl but the boy was gay. The pov of the story changes between the characters but it starts with the girl having to go to school (without her best friend the gay guy) where she meets a boy and slowly becomes friends with him. She eventually introduced him to her best friend and they become a trio, I’m honestly missing a lot of the plot but towards the end you find out she’s been SAed by her gay best friend. I know this isn’t a lot of detail but I know it was a YA novel and it had a really long title. It was really about mental health and I remember relating to it a lot but I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it. If anyone might know a title or an author I’m really trying to find this book…

    by Rubiunderaries

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