September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When I was around 15 I used to be able to read multiple chapters of books in one sitting (books like asoiaf, hp and hunger games) , the same also applies to fanfiction (specifically asoiaf fanfics) . I used to be able to read 100k words in 2-3 days depending on my free time. Now I’m 21 and just reading one chapter makes me tired and sleepy. Same thing also applies to video games asewll
    How can I work to get back at my old reading pace.

    by imad7631


    1. Digfortreasure on

      You have gotten older but might still be reading juvenile junk that doesnt stimulate you

    2. Reading is a skill, you haven’t practiced in a while, once you get back in the flow you’ll read more.

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