July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was hoping I can get some recommendations of books I could introduce to my boyfriend who never really had an interest in reading but wants to show interest in one of my biggest passions. He loves anime and dark souls and plays rpgs like ffxiv and wow so I was leaning towards something fantasy or psychological. There are so many animes we watch that I see where there are similar plots in books but not enough world building or visa versa where I wish the book I’m reading was turned into an anime so he would try it. I have read Name of the Wind, Babel by R.F Kuang, Throne of glass and all of Sarah J Masss,some horror psychological ones. I would appreciate any recs I don’t know if he would be put off with any kind of spice or smutt. I honestly think he would like throne of glass but the romance im not sure. Im thinking of something from brandon sanderson or something kike the witcher or with dark souls vibes? Thank you in advance!

    by Tartarm

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