September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So, my (28f) mom (60s) has never read fiction before. She’s Persian, so English isn’t her first language but that doesn’t matter (unless it’s a very difficult book for someone like her to read, which is why I haven’t recommended something like Jane Eyre).
    She has really only read self-help/spiritual books (like Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle…etc) until now. I’ve been trying to get her to read a fiction because I think she’ll really enjoy the experience and new world it opens up!

    She finally agreed today and asked me to find her something. For her first book, she wants to read something that is Adventure with some Romance and maybe some mystery (if possible). Something like Romancing the Stone (1984), for example!

    Any good recommendations?

    P.s. I’m open to 2nd and 3rd book recommendations that are not in the exact category as listed above. With movies, she also loves murder-mysteries and really likes Fantasy.

    by Shirinf33

    1 Comment

    1. Since English isn’t her first language, I would recommend Hemingway. Sentences are short and concise. The language is crystal clear.

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