September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    As the title states I am looking for books on Masculinity and Femininity as fundamental aspects of existence. As I understand it masculinity and femininity are dualistic archetypes that exist within every form of existence both living and inanimate. I have come across good books that focus exclusively on either masculinity or femininity by themselves but I have yet to come across literature that goes in depth on the duality of both the masculine and the feminine and how the two are interdependent and complementary opposites. I am looking to also better understand the Universal, cross-cultural attributes about the masculine and feminine that causes people to often compare the two to the concepts of Yin and Yang. I’d also like to know what exactly makes a form masculine or feminine in it’s expression. Finally and most intriguingly I am looking to understand how masculinity is essentially universally congruent with men and the biology of the male form and how femininity is essentially universally congruent with women and the biology of the female form. I feel that collectively as a species we know very little about masculinity and femininity, how it relates to the biological forms that we embody and the profound impacts that they have on our perception, sexuality and way of being. The ways in which we overlook the nuances of this area results in much confusion and unnecessary suffering. Again if anyone has any suggestions on books or other resources on this subject I would be very appreciative. Additionally if there is a subreddit that is more relevant to post this question on please let me know.

    by nexusoflife

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