July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for some complete (or at least comprehensive) books that cover mythology or folklore from a number of different cultures. Preferably told as stories, though some refelction on the culture/meaning is of course fine too; I read Bulfinch’s Mythology until the spine broke, and I’m looking for similar for a few different cultures/times. My current list of considerations is

    * **Greek:** Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton

    * **Egyptian:** The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt by Richard H. Wilkinson

    * **Norse:** The Viking Spirit: An Introduction to Norse Mythology and Religion by Daniel McCoy

    * **Celtic:** Celtic Myths and Legends by Peter Berresford Ellis

    * **Romani/Gypsy:** ??

    * **Roman:** ??

    I’m down to look into alternates for the above, but a few hours of browsing has lead me to a few lists where these consistently come up as top (Except for Norse, but the author has a lot of other recommendations that jive with this list!). As mentioned above, I’ve read Bulfinch’s, and I have also read Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology

    Looking forward to suggestions and recommendations, and if there is a slam dunk book you love from a place or time I haven’t listed I’ll absolutely be appreciative of those suggestions as well- thanks!

    by BigEvilNewsCorpLtd

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