September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m on the hunt for a Christmas gift for my bestie. She’s super into Greek Mythology and loved Madeline Miller’s Circe and Song of Achilles, so something in the line of those would be great. She really likes Artemis, if that helps? I also checked online and found a couple of options, but I’m not sure if they’re any good…

    There were a couple of books by Jennifer Saint, Natalie Haynes, The Penelopiade by Margaret Atwood, The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker, Greek Myths by Robert Graves and Greek Myths by Charlotte Higgins… Any advice or recommendations would be appreciated. TIA 🙂

    by HermitBanana


    1. How about a romance between Thanatos ( Greek god of death) and a mortal? It’s a series by Eva Pohler: “The Gatekeeper’s Son”

    2. Claire North’s Ithaca is very good and very female-centric; it re-tells the story of how Odysseus came back home with an emphasis on Penelope, Artemis, Diana etc and not so much the guys. It’s a brilliant read.

      I also like StoneBlind by Natalie Haynes which is mostly about Medusa [who is made into an interesting and sympathetic character] but also about Artemis [who I have to say in this version, is a bit of a b****!]

      The Pat Barker and Natalie Haynes books on Troy are also both excellent.

      I tried the Higgins one, I like her writing usually but this was a hard slog, wouldn’t recommend.DNF’ed.

      Penelopiade – you need to like Atwood for this one. It’s very dark, poetic, and actually, though it was good, I didn’t really enjoy it.

    3. SamePerspective6708 on

      The Steve McHugh Crimes Against Magic series is a really fun series to read. They have a mix of a lot of mythology and mythological creatures in, including Greek. They aren’t going to be winning any prizes for literature any time soon but the story lines are fun and they are quite easy reads.

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