July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Recently, I read the book The 12 Dares of Christa and here is my opinion on it. This book is written by Marissa Burt and was published in 2017. It’s nearing Christa’s favorite holdiday ever, Christmas! Every year on November 1, Christa tells her Christmas plans to her parents. She’s extra excited this year, because she gets to go to Europe for her mom’s play’s tour. When she starts going over the plans, her parents seem off. She assumes it because they are nervous for the trip, but when they break the news she realizes its much worse. Her parents are getting divorced, and her dad isn’t coming with them to Europe. After recieving this schocking news, Christa is now afraid of trying new things, especially foods. So while in Europe, her dad send her 12 dares to complete. They can be small things, like acting like La Befana in a square, or giving Christmas cheer to the guards. But others are different and much scarier for Christa. With the help of the other kids in her tour group, especially a boy named Colby, Christa will make some serious progress. But will Christa complete them all? Will she be able to navigate the feelings has about the divorce, even after seeing her mom already in new relationships with a fellow actor? Will she a Colby remain friends, or become more? Read this book to find out, and I hope you all enjoy it!

    \-Runaway Reader <3 🙂



    by RunawayReader12

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