July 2024
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    1. undercover_duck2 on

      I would recommend Heaven by Mieko Kawakami, its about a passive 14 year old boy who is bullied for his lazy eye and his companionship with a girl who is also relentlessly bullied.

    2. city0fstarlight on

      A Little Life is basically trauma porn (I loved it still) and would make most people suicidal

    3. LawOfLargeBumblers on

      Of course: Journey to the end of the night, by LF Céline.

      The conspiracy against the human race, by T. Ligotti.

      Basically anything by Thomas Bernard

      But, OP, are you OK?

    4. All of these are misery fests. Starting at the bleakest:

      Disgrace – J.M Coetzee

      Light In August – William Faulkner

      Journey to The End of the Night – Louis Ferdinand Celine

      Outer Dark – Cormac McCarthy

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