September 2024
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    1. There is a reading guide in the wiki on the Cosmere subreddit. Spoilers are tagged pretty well in posts, but you still need to be vigilant about paying attention to spoiler warnings.

    2. BroadleySpeaking1996 on

      * The usual recommendation is to start with *Mistborn: The Final Empire.* It’s great, but it’s the first in a trilogy, then there’s a second trilogy after that in the series, and more coming! Which is either a good or bad thing, depending on your point of view.
      * If that’s a dealbreaker, and you want a standalone book to test the waters, start with *Warbreaker.*
      * If your attention span is as short as mine, start with the novella *The Emperor’s Soul.*
      * If you want to start with Sanderson’s first book, start with *Elantris*. It’s his first, though, and he has improved as a writer since. Good if you want to read them all in publication order.
      * Lastly, if you want to just dive headfirst into his epic fantasy masterpiece, then just go ahead and start with *The Way of Kings*. For years, it was the highest-rated book on Goodreads. Just know that it takes a while to get going, but it’s very worth it.

    3. I would start with Warbreaker or Elantris personally. They’re both solo books, and let you dip your toes in. They’re also both excellent stories.

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