September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all

    Im currently going through a pretty horrible time right now and I seem to be endlessly scrolling through TikTok and Reddit in my spare time and insomnia ridden nights.

    I was hoping to get some reading suggestion (or even possibly full series suggestions) to occupy my mind and those sleepless nights.

    Some books I’ve enjoyed in the past :

    • court of thorns and roses series
    •the atlas paradox (2 books)
    • game of thrones
    • some Stephen king / Dean koontz

    Honestly I used to be a big reader so l’m happy to try anything! Fantasy, horror, romance or any mix.
    Any suggestions are appreciated

    by upRightProperLad


    1. You know what? It’s time for you have a laugh with one of the most ridiculous, charming rascals in literature… King Lear’s jester! Give {{Fool by Christopher Moore}} a try – it’s full of irreverence, wanking, witches and ghosts, betrayal and a monkey. There are also two sequels if you have fun with it. Good luck – time heals.

    2. danytheredditer on

      {{One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig}}, it’s the first book in The Shepherd King duology.

    3. Immersive fantasy/urban fantasy worlds: Ilona Andrews’ Kate Daniels series, Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels series, Patricia Briggs’ Mercy Thompson series

    4. If you want to channel some righteous anger with a ton of action, sisterhood, shape changing and nordic mythology but also a romance, Shelly Laurenston’s Call of Crows series might fit the bill.

      She has ADHD and has said in interviews that she edits her work by cutting every bit where her attention starts to wander, which means there’s a lot happening all the time. And she’s not afraid to write women characters who are just really, really angry.

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