September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I don’t have too much to say about this book that doesn’t involve spoiling it. This is my introduction to Thomas Hardy and I just started Far From the Madding Crowd which has a very slow start but hopefully it picks up before I give out.

    I enjoyed this book for the most part, I never intend to seek out sad or depressing books but more often that not that’s what I end up with and this one is the epitome of my own thoughts when things get real dark. I really enjoyed reading about Jude’s adolescents and all his fantasies of joining an elite city of scholars and the kind of man he would grow up to be and the read about the man he did become was terrifying for me because those thoughts were mine at one point and the place he ended up in isn’t too dissimilar from where I am. And besides the incest between him and Sue, they did have adorable chemistry together, though she did annoy me at the end but in all honesty I can’t really blame her for that after a certain *Father Time* bid his adieu.

    If anyone else has read this then I’d love to know your thoughts.

    by NotBorris

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