July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I have been trying to get back into reading but I haven’t read since I was like 13 (I’m 26 now) . I just didn’t have time to but now I wanna start reading again and I’ve always loved fantasy so I thought I’d ask what books y’all would recommend (can be a list if you want).

    by Thebatwhogames22


    1. Paramedic229635 on

      Yahtzee Croshaw is a funny author with great characters.

      Differently Morphus and Existentially Challenged- Governmental agency involved in the regulation of magic and extra dimensional beings.

      Mogworld – Main character is undead. Hijinks insue.

      The Traveler’s Gate Trilogy by Will Wight. Magic is used by calling energy and creatures from other worlds called territories. People who can draw from their territories are called travelers. The first book in the series is House of Blades.

    2. What sorts of things do you like?

      Try novellas. There are a TON of them. Maybe start with *Every Heart a Doorway* by Seanan McGuire.

    3. WarShadower913x on

      Stormlight Archives – Brandon Sanderson

      Mistborn – Brandon Sanderson

      The Dresden Files – Jim Butcher

    4. Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne (Bloodsworn Saga)

      Its sequel, The Hunger of the Gods is excellent too. Hopefully the 3rd book will be released next year.

    5. Depends what level of fantasy you want, but {{Discworld by Terry Pratchett}} is always a great series. I’d start with Guards! Guards! but you can look online for different reading orders.

    6. Saw someone else recommended Joe Abercrombie, “First Law” series which falls into the “grimdark” category, (so most people aren’t good or bad, but somewhere in the middle).

      I’ll add why I’d second that.

      The plots move quickly, the dialogue is sharp, the characters memorable, and generally they are more sophisticated than the fantasy you might remember when you were 13.

      He takes some of the more common fantasy tropes and subverts them (e.g. prophecy, noble king). His latest series even progresses the setting from medieval to early industrial. Most fantasy books don’t evolve the setting in this way.

      The dialogue is punchy, and there’s a sense of humour throughout the books.

      But, if you prefer clearer good vs bad characters, you might want to skip it.

    7. Defiant_Pudding6851 on

      Highly recommend the Farseer trilogy by Robin Hobb. I’m not usually an avid fiction reader but the story is so compelling and the characters so complex and real. Without going into too much detail it’s about a bastard prince with a secret and taboo power and his struggle to survive working as an assassin.

    8. Sergeant-Snorty-Cake on

      If you like fantasy with a historical fiction feel, you might enjoy the Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden, starting with {{The Bear and the Nightingale}}

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