September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I’m looking for fantasy/ sci fi / adventure / etc themed books with lesbian leads that ONLY have graphic sex scenes. I don’t want the sex scenes to be skimmed over at all, no fade to black or then they woke up the next morning, I want it fan fiction level of graphic and also don’t want the romance to be in the background either. Thank you in advance 🙂

    For example I just finished reading Charon Docks at Daylight and those sex scenes were a little vanilla for my taste.

    by APimpNamedSlick1996


    1. so – unfortunately this book is in the middle of a trilogy but “a restless truth” by freya marske was really really really good. i think one of the protagonists gets fisted? the romance is excellent the plot is great and the sex is good. the series is called “the last binding” and all the books have gay couples and good sex, but the lesbians are in the middle

    2. Greezedlightning on

      This is going to sound odd because it is odd, but have you ever tried writing your own sex scene? Or drawing your own pornography? When I was still a young buck during college and grad school, back in the aughts before phones, I would sit down and write out a horny thought and embellish it literarily. Talk about a great time. The worst was when I lost my purse which was loaded with this stuff and had to go pick it up from lost and found. The Claims woman had clearly read it and looked at it and wanted to see me blush — I didn’t give her the pleasure of it!

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