July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    One of the last books I read was ‘Beneath the Wheel’ by Hermann Hesse. And I loved it. The book itself and the story it contained was pretty simple. It didn’t have a complex storyline and yet it was profound. The author makes his own reflections on certain topics and feelings just telling an story.

    Basically, this book introduced me to essays, although it being considered a novel. I’m looking for this type of readings; reflective on existential topics, on our own feelings, our perspective on the world and others…

    I’m actually reading ‘Steppenwolf’, also by Hesse, and I just bought ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ by Dostoievksy. As reference for suggestions, I found this book called ‘Slouching Towards Bethlehem’ by Joan Didion, which promises to be interesting.

    Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.

    by JuxtaposedRelatively

    1 Comment

    1. mask_wearing_butch on

      – What Are People For?: Essays by Wendell Berry

      – Things That Matter Most: Essays on Home, Friendship, and Love by Christopher de Vinck

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