September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Since we’re now in the holiday season, it had me thinking about history/non-fiction books centered around Christmas or this time of year. Not so much books about the history of say Christmas, but more so ones that are about events that take place on or around it. Events like the Christmas truce in WWI or Washington crossing the Delaware.

    As a further example & to act as a recommendation of my own, last year I read the book Darkest Christmas by Peter Harmsen. Peter Harmsen is a modern WWII scholar/author who mainly writes about WWII centered around the Far East/Pacific theater of the war. However, last year he shook things up a bit with a book about various peoples’ experiences of Christmas 1942 across the globe.

    I’m wondering not necessarily for myself, but in general for anyone else who might be interested in such a specific topic, if anyone has recommendations.

    by LookLikeUpToMe

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