July 2024
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    1. PrometheusHasFallen on

      12 Rules for Life

      After reading it I got serious about my life and now I’m in the 10% of income earners, nearing top 5% soon enough.

    2. FictionalReality7 on

      Brené brown moves me in ways I cannot express.

      I won’t say I’ve changed my life for good because I’m working through a lot of trauma but just about anything with Brené brown gets to me. The work she does hits home. It has definitely motivated me to work on myself.

      From the very first talk I heard to now having read almost every book by her, she’s phenomenal.

    3. TheBeneGesseritWitch on

      Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab

      Seconding everything by Brene Brown

      The Happiness Trap

    4. Vox_Quintinious on

      “[The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People](https://amzn.to/46h6TTF)” by Stephen R. Covey it’s a classic book that outlines seven habits to help individuals become more effective in their personal and professional lives.

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