September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Been feeling a little lost lately. I turn 23 next month. I’ve been working a corporate job post-grad and I feel like I’m just stuck in a loop. My hobbies don’t give me the joy they used to. I feel like I’ve forgotten who I am as an individual in a way. I’m also suffering from what may be “brain rot” from excessive phone/social media usage. I feel like I need to hit a reset button. I want to be able to feel things deeply again. Sorry if that was rambling. But if there were are that deal with these topics or books in which the main character is going through something similar, that you all recommend that would be great. I want to try to avoid any self-help books. I don’t mind whether it’s fiction or non-fiction. Thanks in advance!

    by NoMoreWhiteFerraris


    1. Try Paper Castles by B Fox. I read it when I was going thru similar stuff ANDe it was really relatable and honest.

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