September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I been looking for some mind boggling screwed up books to read
    I just found out and started reading tender is the flesh and in the middle of it I want a book that’ll make me go “what the fuck” have to put down and process what the hell I just read

    by TheSlyPsycho


    1. Trick-Maintenance749 on

      The battle royale manga series was such an awful time, put it down because it made me cringe reading it too hard, felt dirty. Hunger gamesish plot with children … gross

      Earthlings by Sayaka Murata, my favorite fucked up book, about childhood trauma

      American Psycho, speaks for itself really, even though I didn’t enjoy it all too much but it’s not supposed to be enjoyable so

    2. alpha_rat_fight_ on

      American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis. I’m not exaggerating when I say this: the movie is the G-rated version of the book. This is one of the few times I saw the movie *before* watching the book, otherwise I never would have seen the movie. I think I made it like 1-2 chapters in and then I was so disgusted I got physically sick and quit reading. This was about 12 years ago and I never intend to finish it.

      I have a strong stomach for graphic true crime and war memoirs, but I find fiction containing those themes way more unsettling because it means the author sat there and conceived of these horrors completely in their own head. That was just chilling in their brain the whole time, voluntarily.

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