July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone! I used to read a lot as a teen and young adult but college kind of ruined my relationship to reading, and now even though I really want to get back into it, I have nowhere to start. So please drop your suggestions based on:

    Some of my favorite books:
    “Laughter in the dark” nabokov
    “Perks of being a wallflower” chbosky
    “A guide to murdered children” sparrows
    “Invisible monsters” palahniuk

    Thanks! 💜🏹

    by rosebeach


    1. It’s been a while since I’ve read *Invisible Monsters* (the only work you mentioned that I’ve read), but I remember it for its terse style that has some rather unforgettable, blunt scenes. Katherine Dunn is an author that Palahniuk has taken a lot from, especially her novel *Geek Love*, so that might be a decent place to go. It’s a lot more outlandish, though, so be ready for some bizarre moments.

      I don’t particularly like Bret Easton Ellis, but a lot of people who enjoy Palahniuk’s early work also like the former, especially *Less Than Zero* and *Rules of Attraction*.

    2. Medium-Time-9802 on

      To get back into reading, I imagine it’s best to start with a real pageturner. Something like Red Rising, Dark Matter, or Hunger Games. Once you’re back in the habit, you can look into deeper writing that suits your interests.

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