September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone!

    I’ve been on the hunt for a book or two for my niece but unfortunately most of the books relating to this topic are aimed towards toddlers and younger kids.

    She does already have a younger brother that is 6yo but at that time in her life I’m not sure she had a good influence to help guide her through it and to this day she calls babies demons and monsters (lol). She thinks they’re loud and disgusting and that she’s the only person in the whole world who hates babies.

    She cried for several hours after finding out there would be another baby in her family. And talks about the month her mom’s due as when her life will be over. My sister has 4mo twins and she avoids them at all costs. Won’t talk to them, look at them or sit next to anyone at the table who is holding them and goes to the other side of the room from them if she can.

    I know she almost certainly needs therapy but unfortunately there is only so much I can do in that department since I’m not her parent and can’t make her mom or my brother take her despite my suggestions.

    So I figured a book relating to this subject might be the next best thing I can do to help her.

    She probably reads closer to a fourth/fifth grade level and even better if it’s a graphic novel or even a manga because she loves those.

    Thank you!

    by twurkle

    1 Comment

    1. lollipop-guildmaster on

      I can’t tell from your post whether you’re looking for recommendations that will validate her feelings, or try to convince her to love babies.

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