September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    if you had to pick only one book you could read for the rest of your life what would it be?
    this is a book you’d have to reread forever and couldn’t pick up a single other book !

    i don’t know what mine would be because it’s a difficult question 🫣 but i would say something by kv rose as she’s my favourite author.

    i could do with some recs as well so would love to hear your picks 📚

    by bpdbabex


    1. I would pick the Bible–an not necessarily for religious reasons–but for the variety–myth, poetry, history, etc. It is very intellectually stimulating whether you are an atheist or a person of faith. It has some beautiful passages.

      Purely from a literary point of view, it is timeless.

      It could occupy your attention for a entire life span.

    2. hauntingvacay96 on

      The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

      I’ve read it every October for 15ish years and I’ve yet to get tired of it or feel like I haven’t gotten something new out of it.

    3. The Stand – Steven King. I can’t imagine reading only one book over and over forever, but if I had to choose 1, it would be this one I think.

    4. I guess I would have to pick “Don Quixote” since I’d finally have plenty of time on my hands to read it.

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