September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m no stranger to fantasy, but most of my experience is with romantasy. I’ve been trying to venture into epic fantasy but have no idea where to start. I think I need something that’s a relatively easy transition from simpler worldbuilding. Also, I’d prefer to not start with an 800+ page book. The Stormlight Archive has been on my radar but starting with a 1000 page book is not ideal to me.

    I just recently tried Skyward by Sanderson (and I *might* finish it) but a quarter of the way through I’ve decided it’s too YA for me, so I’ve put it down for now. It’s harder for me to connect with teenaged MCs that very obviously *act* teenaged.

    I was thinking my next attempt would be with Eragon but I’m not sure if that will also be too YA?

    Help. All suggestions welcomed 🙂


    by bookcreature

    1 Comment

    1. I think Lois McMaster Bujold and Robin Hobb are what you’re looking to start with.

      LMB typically doesn’t write super long books, many of them are pretty self-contained even within the same series, and they don’t usually feature a teenage protagonist. From her writings, I’d recommend starting with The Curse of Chalion or The Paladin of Souls.

      Hobb is interesting in that she does often use young or teenage protagonists, but paints a more realistic understanding of what it would be to be a young person in that particular society. Her lore is rich, but never overwhelming as she eases you into it. And her dialogue and characterizations really make it all work. And to top it off, she rarely writes a book longer than 600 pages. For Hobb, I’d recommend starting with Assassin’s Apprentice.

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