September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When I read a novel, it’s like a movie in my head. Or even better, sometimes it’s like I’m there in the scene. There are also instances where it feels more like a dream, where I not as much *see* it as I do *feel* it. I used to think this is a blessing, but lately I’ve come to realize it’s also a curse.

    You see, I have OCD. My attention to details is insane, and this makes reading feel like a chore sometimes. Every word I read needs to be translated into image, even if I understand what that word means that a glance. For me, *knowing* isn’t enough, I have to *see* for it to feel complete.

    This can be really fun when it’s going smoothly. The experience is exhilarating. But after a while, it’s like I’ve put too much work on my mind and start to experience a mental fatigue. When that happens, I have to reread the same word or sentence over and over again to *get it right* until I can move on. A few more of this and I’m burnt out.

    Any of you have the same experience?

    by Ok_Meeting_2184

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