September 2024
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    Heyy happy sunday everyone!!

    If you can only read one book for the rest of your life, which book will it be?

    by Weekly_Oven1655


    1. I hate these questions (if you could only read one forever). Just ask what’s your favourite book which has been asked thousands of times on this sub.

    2. Gusenica_koja_pushi on

      Gone with the wind, The stranger, Short history of nearly everything, Tomb for Boris Davidovich

    3. Collected Works of Shakespeare – does that count as one book? I think that would keep me happy all my life!

    4. stinkylittlebug on

      Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite
      I have never found another book that scratches the same itch this one does. If you have any recs for juicy horror that isn’t poorly written pls respond!!

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