July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    These are all on her to be read list:

    ◦ I who have never known man
    ◦ Girl interrupted
    ◦ Naked lunch
    ◦ Dead poets society
    ◦ The fountainhead
    ◦ Big Swiss
    ◦ Prokaryote season-
    ◦ The bell jar-Sylvia Plath
    ◦ White nights- fyodor Dostoyevsky
    ◦ I have no mouth and I must scream-Harlan Ellison
    ◦ The life of a stupid man
    ◦ Things have gotten worse since we last spoke-Eric larocca
    ◦ The trouble with being born-e. M. Cioran
    ◦ The art of loving-Erich Fromm
    ◦ The myth of Sisyphus-Albert Camus
    ◦ At the extistenilist cafe- Sarah bakewell
    ◦ Notes from underground and the double- fyodor Dostoyevsky
    ◦ A very easy death- Simone de Beauvoir
    ◦ In the absence of men-philippe besson
    ◦ I remain in darkness-Annie ernaux
    ◦ We have always lived in a castle-Shirley Jackson
    ◦ An enquiry concerning human understanding- david humme
    ◦ Letters to a young poet- Rainer Maria Rilke
    ◦ A certain hunger- Chelsea g summers
    ◦ Tender is the flesh-
    ◦ Life ceremony- Sayaka Murata

    by rkopls


    1. quick question does she own any of these the tbr can and will often contain books you already own

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