September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. This book was such a disappointment to me. Everyone raved about how the twist was amazing but I found it to be very predictable and unoriginal.

    2. I personally started to get into it once you learn about the “real world.” I felt like the beginning and ending were most interesting and the middle dragged on a bit, but that’s just me. I don’t know how far in you are, so maybe you are past the part I describe.

    3. I loved it right away. Sometimes books just find you in a perfect place. I love how this book makes me wonder about what I just read and where it will lead to. It’s mesmerizing.

      Put it down and try again later.

    4. dear-mycologistical on

      I suggest approaching it like a dream you’re having, or like a piece of instrumental music. Imagine that the book is a body of water you’re swimming in, or a scent that you’re smelling, or an abstract painting. Yes, there’s a plot reveal eventually, but it’s a book you read more for the vibes than for the plot.

    5. I wanted to love this book but just couldn’t. I really dug the world of the House and would have been quite happy if the whole thing was just an exploration of that. The procedural stuff outside the House was conventional, predictable and spoiled the high weirdness of it for me.

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