September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I don’t know how to describe what I’m going through exactly. I’m being cyberstalked and harassed by two former friends. One male (37) and one female (36). Grown fucking adults. They constantly monitor my accounts and trigger themselves at things that aren’t even directed at them. They are constantly sending messages on their pages they are still monitoring me. Making snide remarks about my personal life and family members. When I go to these people to their faces, nothing. They tried to make others believe I was paranoid and crazy. One of them even tried to go to a friend they thought I had a falling out with and manipulated her. Several others have done the same damn thing.

    Anyway, it seems like the only means of protection is to ignore it since the law won’t help. I need to keep my eyes off of them to break this trauma bond I’ve developed with them. Please help.

    by rinnygade


    1. FraughtOverwrought on

      I don’t have a rec for a book but I do recommend that you block them on all your accounts for starters

    2. Stolen Focus by Johann Hari

      A book about how and why social media creates these situations might be interesting for you. I don’t know if there are solutions in its pages for you, but maybe some insights.

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